Many Christians faithfully attend services on Sunday mornings only get an hour or so of instruction and fellowship. Relatively few study the word of God or study the Bible and the promises of God on their own. Many religious Christians are feeling more and more that we are all living in a spiritual war zone. In PERISH without Spiritual Warfare, David F. Winecoff reminds readers of the tools available, now, to armor themselves and their families against the spiritual challenges of today’s world. He teaches each reader how to use these tools – how to become the overcomer that God intends each Christian to be.
“I have prayed before this short writing, because I hope that many men such as I will read this book – men who walk the path with Christ, but stray from the path too often. We see the Light, but stray. I enjoyed learning some of your military past and how it relates to the battle for our souls and our families’ souls. As you make very clear, we (men) have a responsibility to our loved ones to lead them and ourselves down that ever narrowing path to Christ and, eventually, Heaven. I want your readers to know that I am a fortunate man who knows something of Col. Winecoff. If I had such a person in my life at early age, I know my path would be in a much better place. I encourage you to enjoy and be truly inspired by this book.”
– Michael Bozo (USAF, SFOD), Hurst, TX