Morris 7.0
This book, Morris 7.0, is the story of Morris Uebelacker’s life as told to Jim Huckabay. It is the story of his rise to become one of America’s finest teachers and storytellers. It is the story of his near-complete brain and physical collapse, and the loss of his entire life as he had known it. It is the story of his years-long struggle to find a new, functional, wholeness. In this excerpt, he recalls one small episode in his efforts to create – to become – Morris 7.0…

The Zeb Chronicles
Zeb first came around – appeared/materialized/you figure it out – in the late ‘70s. Over time, we had many conversations about humans and wildlife and nature and what a screwup I was. He always said he owed me. He loved sneaking up and startling me. This was one of those times…